The webinar was held on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, from 19.00 – 20.00 on Zoom
The slides from the webinar can be downloaded here.
Background & introduction to the webinar:
Pension savers in The Netherlands have been fighting for almost 10 years to persuade their pension funds to align their investments with the Paris agreement.
One of the key requests have been to divest from fossil fuel companies that are unaligned with the Paris-agreement. Now, 10 years has passed, and many of the members have now succeeded with their efforts. Most recently, it was announced, that the Dutch healthcare workers’ pension fund PFZW have sold almost all its holdings in fossil fuel companies, including oil majors Shell, BP and TotalEnergies for lack of a credible climate strategy.
But across the Dutch pension funds, we have now seen several of them to divest very significant parts of their fossil fuel investments, notably also in two of the largest Dutch pension funds, ABP and PME.
But how did this happen, and what role did labor unions, climate organizations, individual members and the pension funds themselves play, and how does the future look like?
In this webinar, we have invited Cindy Coltman from Dutch NGO Both ENDS and Marjolein van Dillen and Laurie Kos from citizen group Groen Pensioen to give us the story about the Dutch pension funds travel towards Paris aligned pension savings.
Together they will provide us with a 30 minute overview, and there will be another 30 minutes allocated to questions from the audience.