Danish pension funds can join various global climate investor networks that have a declared goal of becoming “Net Zero” investors by the year 2050. The main networks are the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) and the IIGCC’s Paris Aligned Investment Initiative (PA II). As a consequence of the EU and an increasing number of countries committing to reduce their emissions significantly and go into “Net Zero” by the year 2050, it seems obvious that Danish pension funds and investors also set the same goal for their investments.
When pension companies join these networks, they also commit to set CO2 reduction targets, as well as targets for green investments. The pension funds also commit to increase their active ownership, as well as work to avoid supporting lobbying activities that work against the green transition.
The table below indicates which Danish pension companies have joined these 2 networks.
Read more about the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) and who has joined on this LINK
Read more about the Paris Aligned Investment Initiative (PA II) and who has joined on this LINK
Table updated October 14, 2023.
Notes to the table:
NA: Not applicable, which means that the pension fund is not enrolled in a Net Zero investor network, and therefore has not committed to set a target.
NZAOA’s recommendations for objectives: For 2025 it must be between 22 – 32% reduction compared to 2019 and the target for 2030 must be between 49 – 65% reduction compared to 2020
IIGCC PA-II recommendations for targets for 2030: The target must be consistent with a fair share of a global reduction of 50% (interpreted as at least 50%).
¤ According to IIGCC PA-II´s latest initial disclosures report from November 2022 (the report describes the pension funds individually, such as for PBU, Pensam, PensionDanmark, PKA, Lægernes Pension and AP Pension)
¤¤ According to NZAOA’s latest status report from September 2022. The report does not draw up detailed plans for each investor, but provide links to the investors’ own reports, often in local language)