By Alister Doyle, Reuters on October 3, 2017 The coalition is the largest number of Catholic institutions to team up for a shift to green energy....
University of Copenhagen just became the first university in Denmark to go Fossil Free: University of Copenhagen commits to invest fossil... The mayor of Denmark’s capital launches a push to withdraw the city’s £700m investment fund out of coal, oil and gas holdings. Academics, civil engineers and architects from three of six funds worth £23bn vote to sell off coal and high risk oil and gas – but lawyers, vets... Fossil-fuel investments are destined to lose their economic value. Investors need to adjust now. Investors being persuaded to take their money out of fossil fuel sector, according to University of Oxford study. Across Europe and some of the U.S., utilities that a decade ago dominated markets now struggle to cope with lower prices exacerbated by subsidized renewables that... Climate change remains a material risk for a majority of investors and, in many cases, it is increasingly influencing their investment activities,... There are still ample reserves to continue building our economy based on fossil fuels, but if we want to stabilize the climate and avoid the most... (Reuters) – The World Bank’s board on Tuesday agreed to a new energy strategy that will limit financing of coal-fired power plants to “rare circumstances,”...
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